In a chilling tale of betrayal, jealousy, and manipulation, the story unfolds on what was supposed to be the happiest day of Emilia's life—her wedding day to Oakley Faulkner. However, the celebration turns into a nightmare as Emilia finds herself locked in a freezer by her own husband, who sides with his first love, Lydia, against her. The narrative is told from the perspective of Emilia's ghost, who witnesses the cruel events unfold from beyond the grave. As guests gather and rumors swirl, Oakley's true colors are revealed, and the depths of Lydia's scheming become apparent. Through a series of manipulative acts and lies, Lydia convinces Oakley that Emilia has escaped, setting off a frantic search. The story delves into themes of love, betrayal, and the devastating consequences of unchecked jealousy, painting a dark picture of a relationship gone terribly wrong.
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